Lately I've been thinking, which I know is kind of scary I know. Why is it that we are sending more people out to other countries to do missions work, when in all honesty, we need God A LOT here in the U.S.? Jesus, in the Great Commission, told his disciples to go out and make believers of all nations. The United States is part of the "all nations" too. So why is it that we have forgotten that there are a lot of people who need God right here on our own soil?
The reason why this has been on my heart lately is because there are a lot of hurting people in the United States that are our neighbors, family members, coworkers, etc. And I realize that it is easier to go out and minister to people that we don't know and that we might never see again, but why are we so scared? God is right there with us, guiding our us every step of the way. And there might be one of the instances that all we have to do is walk up to a person and ask them if they want to accept God into their lives because God has been already been working in their lives up to that point. It might even be easier than that. All you might have to do is speak gibberish and they'll be ready to accept Jesus into their lives.
Something else to think about too. The youth in today's society are the next leaders for this nation. Heck, my generation are the next leaders. But no one is showing us how to lead. We've been left to fend for ourselves. How scary is it knowing that we've been left alone to figure things out for ourselves, when the adults are just sitting back watching!!!! Let me tell you from personal experience it STINKS!!!! We might be hard to talk to, or relate to, but just talk to us. Show us how we're supposed to do things. I know we're hardheaded, but just take the time to show us how to lead. Because to be honest...WE'RE THE BIGGEST MISSIONS FIELD!!!! Right here, on our own turf, the biggest missions field is the next generation that is going to take control of things after the generation that is in control is gone. Do you want to die knowing that you left us to fend for ourselves, with nothing going for us.
Now there may be some people who read this that are thinking that they've been doing all they can to help to keep this from happening. I have a question for you though, and not to sound critical, here's the question: Have you really done everything you can? Have you showed other people how to lead other than your kids or your family members? Have you been looking outside your comfort zones for the people that really need that guidance or the love of God?
I don't want anyone to think that I'm just ranting in raving about something. I have been trying to put these things that I've talked about into practice and I will continue to do so. All I ask is that we not forget that we have a missions field right here in our own backyard. So what are you going to do about it? Are you willing to commit to do what God has called you and I to do in Matthew 28? It will be a tough process, but there's nothing too tough for when God is guiding our footsteps.