Saturday, July 17, 2010

Screaming at the top of their lungs!

Do you remember when you were a kid and there was that one person that you always wanted to be around and that you looked up to? The youth of today are looking for that kind of person to! They may not be able to find it in their friends or their family, but they are seeming to find it in the media. When the find that person in the media they look up to them and put them on a pedestal that sometimes may not be that healthy. So my challenge for us, as adults, is to give the youth of today people that they can look up to, that can set realistic goals, that can show them that we are human and not just dolled up people that look and are made out to be perfect.

These students are ready for change, they're ready to be shown who true Christians are, they're ready to be shown that it is okay to mess up. The issue is not them acting out like many of us may think, the issue is them wanting attention from the people that they look up to. They are like a little child screaming at the top of their lungs, crying out, wanting someone to help them. They need our guidance and our love. There may have been times when we were younger when the people around us looked at us and thought that we were not worth it or really annoying. But the truth is, THESE STUDENTS ARE SO WORTH IT!!!!

When the "Baby Boomers" are dead and gone, when "Generation X" is dead and gone, the ones who will be left are my generation and the youth of today, and in my opinion they SHOULD NOT be left in the dark. It is up to us to show them the path that Christ has laid out for us. Granted there may be a few that falter and lose their footing, but we need to be right there for them and pick them up when the fall and show them that they are worth it!

This video is my prayer for these students. It may sound contradictory to what I'm saying in the beginning, but PLEASE continue to listen until the end...IT'S WORTH IT!!!!



PS I am in no way advertising/endorsing AARP. I found this video and it is to be used for illustration purposes ONLY.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Looking Back

I know that its been quite some time since I've posted anything on my blog. Over the past few weeks and months I have been looking back on my life and realize that there are a lot of experiences that I want to share with people and just the people in my family. One of those experiences came at just the right time.

Last month my family and I lost a great person who was a very strong individual who meant a lot to us. My grandma was an amazing woman and she loved her family dearly. There was nothing that she wouldn't do for us and that we wouldn't do for her. One evening when she was over to have dinner at my parent's house there arose a situation that escalated into an argument between me and another member of my family. After I and the family member had settled the argument I went down to talk to my grandma and apologize for what had happened. As soon as I said that I was sorry Grandma looked at me right in the face and said: "Matthew, its okay and I forgive you. I love you and I know that these kinds of things happen." I don't know if she realized it or not, but what she had just said to me changed my way of thinking about forgiveness forever!

I know that my grandma loved me very much, and my family very much too. But the one think that I cannot get over is how much of what she said to me was a lot like what Christ did for us on the cross. Our human nature gets in the way of our relationship with him and sometimes we get preoccupied and get into arguments like I did with one of my family members, but Christ still looks at us in the face and says, its okay, I forgive you.

During this period of time while my family and I are still morning the loss of our grandma and mother. There has been a hope for us that we will one day see our grandma and mother again! And even still I am looking back on what has happened over the past month or so and there is one song that has rang so true in my life. Oddly enough I just found this song today, but when I listened to it I could not but think about all things that God has done for my family and I. The song is "God's Been Good" by Legacy Five. This song is so true because God has been good to me and my family over this past month. I just hope that as you read this you can see that God has been good to you in your life even though there may be times that you felt like he was so distant and maybe that he was not even there. But never forget that he is so good and he knows what he is doing.

RIP June A. Anderson; June 4, 1926-June 11, 2010 I LOVE YOU GRANDMA!!!!